interactive sound installation, LED, speaker, arduiono board, IR sensor, 200 * 200 * 100 (cm), 2009
Resonance is an interactive sound installation.
This piece was awarded by POSCO Steel Art Award, 2009.
POSCO, the Pohang Iron and Steel Company, based in Pohang, South Korea,istheworld'ssecondlargeststeel maker by market value.
POSCO Steel Art award is an annual art competition that is held by POSCO's TJ Park Foundation. Thisawardbasicallyaim to interpret the various possibilities ofsteelwithintheperpective of art.
As the audience approach,sound captured from the nature (for example sound from a stream or a sea) is heard from the black box. Also, the LED pipes slowly change thier color from white to red. This project symbolizes the character of steel which is strong, and at the same time, steel as the essential material in civilization and our contemporary age.
interactive sound installation, LED, speaker, arduiono board, IR sensor, 200 * 200 * 100 (cm), 2009